Funding for the student exchange

The instruction belongs to the following themes

By selecting a degree programme you are able to see the general content as well as the possible degree programme-specific content. You do not have to select a degree programme to see the Open University's instructions.

Students who participate in a student exchange can receive a mobility grant and student financial aid for their stay abroad. If you participate in an exchange through a University of Helsinki exchange programme, you usually do not need pay the target university’s tuition fee but will have to pay your living expenses and the costs associated with study material, as well as for a visa and language tests, if any. 

Mobility grant for a student exchange

International Exchange Services pays you a mobility grant if you participate in an exchange based on a University of Helsinki exchange agreement and you are not employed by the University of Helsinki during your exchange. Exceptions include exchange opportunities in the Nordplus programme as well as Switzerland, in which case the network or the host organisation pays for the grant. 

The mobility grant is paid in one installment before the exchange begins. You can receive only one mobility grant for each exchange. 

The grant amounts are decided annually. Grant amounts for the academic year beginning in the following autumn are always made prior to the application period. For Erasmus+ grants, national guidelines and schedules are followed. 

As the mobility grant is tax exempt, Kela does not consider it when monitoring the recipient’s income from the student financial aid perspective. 

Erasmus+ mobility grants for Europe

Erasmus+ mobility grant is determined by the duration of the exchange in days, as well as the destination. The European Union has defined the country groups based on their costs of living and the Finnish National Agency for Education decides the grant sums per country group annually. 

Starting from the academic year 2024-2025, an additional travel grant dependent on the distance to the exchange destination will also be provided (NB! The travel grant does not apply to the United Kingdom). 

Below you can find more detailed information about Erasmus+ travel grant, semester exchange grant, short-term blended mobility grant, fewer opportunities top-up and special needs and inclusion support.

Erasmus+ travel grant (NEW for 2024-2025)

Starting from the academic year 2024-2025, a travel grant will be provided for Erasmus+ student exchanges (both semester exchanges and short-term blended mobilities*), excluding the United Kingdom. The amount of the travel grant depends on the distance to the destination and whether it qualifies as green mobility. In green mobility, the majority of traveled kilometers via the most direct route or at least one way of the trip must be completed using environmentally friendly means of transportation, such as biking, train, bus, or carpooling. Please note that traveling by ferry is not considered green mobility. 

In addition to the travel grant, you may also receive a daily grant for a maximum of 2 travel days. When traveling green, you can receive a grant for a total of 3 travel days per direction, thus a maximum of 6 travel days in total if both the outbound and return trips are made in an environmentally friendly way. 

The amount of the travel grant is determined according to the table below. The distance is calculated using a distance calculator from Helsinki directly to the exchange destination. 


Matkatuki/ Resestöd / Travel grant 2024–2025 





Vihreä matkustus 

Grönt färdsätt 

Green travel 

Muu matkustustapa 

Annat färdsätt 

Standard travel 

10-99 km  56 €  28 € 
100-499 km  285 €  211 € 
500-1999 km  417 €  309 € 
2000-2999 km  535 €  395 € 
3000-3999 km  785 €  580 € 
4000-7999 km  1188 €  1188 € 
8000- km   1735 €  1735 € 

 *For short-term blended mobilities and Erasmus+ traineeships, the travel grant is paid for mobilities starting at the earliest 1 October, 2024. 

The travel grant is not available to those going on an exchange to the United Kingdom, but it is possible to receive an additional 50 euros for green travel, as well as daily grant for a maximum of 2 travel days per direction when the travel is made in an environmentally friendly way. 

Erasmus+grant for semester exchange

NB! The minimum duration of a long-term Erasmus+ exchange is two months. If the actual duration of the exchange is less than the minimum, it is considered cancelled, and the whole grant amount must be recovered. The grant is paid for the time the student must be physically present at the host university. The duration of the exchange includes the orientation organised by the host university, course teaching, and the first examinations that immediately follow the teaching. Language courses organised at the host university before the semester starts are not usually considered a part of the exchange period in those languages in which an OLS language course is offered. More information on OLS language course can be found here.  

The actual duration of the exchange is confirmed from the Letter of Confirmation once the exchange has ended. If the duration is shorter than planned, any excess grant amount will be reclaimed after the exchange has ended. 

Erasmus+ semester mobility grant for 2024-2025 
















United Kingdom 

18 € 




Czech Republic, 







North Macedonia, 









16,33 € 

 Table for the academic year 2023-2024 can be found here (pdf in Finnish)

A condition for receiving the Erasmus+ grant requires the completion of five credits per month. Shorter months do not affect the required number of credits, i.e., if the duration of the exchange is 160 days (5 months and 10 days), the condition for receiving the grant requires the completion of 5 * 5 = 25 credits at the target university. You can find more information on the other grant terms further down on this same page.

Erasmus+ grant for blended short mobility

It is possible to receive a grant for short-term mobility (5-30 days) in Erasmus programme countries (listed above, not including UK) The short-term mobility must include an obligatory virtual component (except for PhD students). Mobility grant is paid only for the duration of the physical mobility. 

Erasmus+ blended mobility/short mobility grant is the same for all programme countries: 79 € / day for the first 14 days and thereafter 56 € / day for days 15-30. The above-mentioned travel grant applies to short mobility as well. In addition to the travel grant, you can receive a daily grant for a maximum of 2 travel days if needed. When traveling green, you can receive grant for a total of up to 3 travel days each way, thus totaling a maximum of 6 travel days if both outbound and return trips are made green.  

Blended mobility, incl. a traineeship, must award a minimum of 3 ECTS credits including the virtual and physical component. 

Erasmus+ additional top-up grants for students with fewer opportunities

Erasmus+ programme supports students who have fewer opportunities to participate in mobility. Participants with fewer opportunities are entitled to an additional grant of 250 € per month. 

For short-term mobility, the top-up is 100 € for mobilities between 5 to 14 days and 150 € for mobilities between 15 to 30 days. 

In Finland the fewer opportunities category includes the groups below: 

Social obstacles: 

-students with families (student has an underaged child or children) 

-students who are family carers (student has an agreement of informal care with the municipality) 


-students with EU’s disability card or who have a right for the card 

-disabled students (at least moderate functional deficiency) 

Health obstacles: 

-students having severe and/or chronic health problems (at least moderate functional deficiency) 

Migrant background: 

-students who have received international protection (refugees, asylum seekers, students who have been granted international, subsidiary or temporary protection, or the student has a refugee’s passport) 

Esteettömyys- tai osallisuustuki Erasmus+ -ohjelmassa

Esteettömyys- tai osallisuustuki on tarkoitettu mahdollistamaan vaihto silloin, kun jokin yksilöllinen tarve aiheuttaa vaihtojaksolle ylimääräisiä kustannuksia, joihin ei ole mahdollista saada muualta tukea. Yksilöllinen tarve voi johtua vammasta, psyykkisestä tai fyysisestä sairaudesta, oppimisvaikeudesta, henkilökohtaisesta tilanteesta tai muusta vastaavasta syystä. Tukea voidaan myöntää esimerkiksi esteettömään asumiseen, liikkumiseen tai opiskeluun liittyviin yksilöllisiin järjestelyihin, kuten oppimateriaaleihin tai avustajien ja valmistelevien vierailuiden kustannuksiin. Osallisuustuki myönnetään normaalin vaihtoapurahan lisäksi ja se perustuu todellisiin kustannuksiin. Olennaista on, että vaihtoon lähtö aiheuttaa yllä mainituista syistä lisäkustannuksia, joita ei korvata muista lähteistä, kuten esim. Kelasta. Hakuprosessi on täysin luottamuksellinen. Hakemus tehdään yhdessä Kansainvälisen koulutusyhteistyön palveluiden kanssa ja päätöksen asiassa tekee Opetushallitus. Tuen tarve ja laatu vaihtelevat yksilöllisesti, joten myönnettävä tukisumma päätetään Opetushallituksessa aina tapauskohtaisesti. 

Vaihtoon lähtijän ja kotikorkeakoulun kannattaa aloittaa valmistelut hyvissä ajoin, kuitenkin viimeistään 6 kuukautta ennen lähtöä. Tuen hakemisen lisäksi tiedonhankinta ja erityisjärjestelyiden varmistaminen vaihtokohteessa voivat viedä aikaa. 

Lisätietoa, osallistujien kokemuksia, tarkistuslista suunnittelun avuksi, hakuohjeet ja lomakkeet löytyvät Opetushallituksen esteettömyyssivuilta. Mikäli sinulla on tarve hakea esteettömyystukea tai haluat lisätietoa asiasta, ole yhteydessä meihin osoitteessa

Erasmus+ global mobility ICM grants

Erasmus+ global mobility ICM grants are available to a few exchange destinations outside EU depending on the funding received from the European Commission. In the October 2023 call there are Erasmus+ global mobility ICM grants to the following destinations: Kenya, Benin, Egypt and Canada (Canada: Queen's University: 2 Erasmus+ global mobility ICM grants). Grant availability is confirmed annually prior to the application period. Please check the grant information for each exchange destination to see if there is an Erasmus+ global mobility ICM grant. There can be bilateral exchange destinations in the same country.

The Erasmus+ Global mobility grant is determined by the duration of the exchange. Grants are paid for the time which the student is studying at the host university. The duration of the exchange includes the orientation organised by the target university, contact teaching and the first examinations that take place immediately after the lessons.

NB! The minimum duration of an Erasmus exchange is three months.*
If the actual duration of the exchange is less than the minimum duration, the exchange is considered to be cancelled, and the whole grant amount must be recovered.
*With the exception of target universities where the official duration of the term is less than three months

The Erasmus+ global mobility grant consists of travel grant a well as a monthly grant. For student exchanges in 2023-2024, the monthly grant is 700 € / full month and approximately 23 € / day for extra days.

In Erasmus+ global mobility ICM, the amount of the travel grant depends on the distance to the exchange destination. For example,

  • Egypt, Morocco: 530 €
  • Kenya, Benin, Canada (Canada: Queen's University: 2 Erasmus global mobility ICM grants): 820 €

The actual duration of the exchange is confirmed in the Letter of Confirmation once the exchange has ended. If the duration is shorter than planned, any excess grant amount will be reclaimed after the exchange has ended.

The receipt of an Erasmus grant requires the completion of five credits per full month (i.e., 30 days). Shorter months do not affect the required number of credits, i.e., if the duration of the exchange is 130 days (4 months and 10 days), the receipt of the grant requires the completion of 20 credits at the target university.

Swiss Mobility Grant

Switzerland does not participate in the Erasmus programme. Consequently, the Swiss government pays a mobility grant also for inbound exchange students and the grant is paid via the host university.

Nordplus mobility grant

Nordplus networks apply for funding and make grant decisions independently. The grant consists of a scholarship and a travel allowance. The networks can decide on the amount of the grant. The amounts listed below are the maximum amounts.

The Nordplus network pays for the student’s grant from the coordinating university. Instructions for applying for a grant can be obtained from International Exchange Services. However, all Nordplus students must accept the University of Helsinki’s terms of exchange in Mobility Online prior to their exchange.


Monthly scholarship (max.)

Travel allowance (max.)

Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

€250 per month


Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

€250 per month


Faroe Islands and Iceland

€250 per month



€250 per month


Short mobility grant for a mobility under 1 month (express) can be 250€ / 1. week (5-7 days), 100€ 2. week, 100€ 3. week + travel allowance

Mobility grants for bilateral exchange opportunities (University and unit bilateral agreements)

Grant amounts in the 2023–2024 and 2024–2025 academic years

Bilateral exchange opportunities (University and unit bilateral agreements) outside Europe
Destination Grant amount: Term Grant amount: Academic year
North and South America €2,300 €2,700
Oceania, Hawaii €2,500 €3,000
Asia €2,300 €2,700
Africa €2,300 €2,700
Middle East €2,300 €2,700
Bilateral exchange opportunities (University and unit bilateral agreements) to Russia, Ukraine and Georgia. 

Exchanges to Russia and Ukraine have been suspended for the time being. 

Destination Grant amount: Term Grant amount: Academic year
Russia €1,400 €1,800
Ukraine €1,400 €1,800
Georgia €1,400 €1,800

North2North mobility grant

Every year, University of Helsinki receives funding from the National Board of Education to send a few students on North2North exchange. The sum is confirmed annually, only after the exchange application period. In recent years it has been 2 000 €/semester.

Mobility grant for Freemovers

The Freemover grant is intended for students who make their own exchange arrangements outside Finland.

For the academic year 2023-2024 and 2024-2025:

Destination Grant amount
Europe and Russia €500
Other countries €1000

Exchanges to Russia and Ukraine have been suspended for the time being. 

Mobility grants for short courses

The receipt of a grant for a short course requires that the course is completed with a passing grade.

Course Grant amount  Number of grants to be awarded
Self-organized participation in a short course 500€  
Short course organized by a partner university 500€ Students need not pay the course fee – max. 6 students
Summer courses at Nordic Centre India (Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bangalore) 900€  3 courses / 1-3 students
Summer courses at Nordic Centre China (Shanghai) 500€ 1 course / 1-3 students

Application for and payment of mobility grants

You can apply for a mobility grant through Mobility Online after the University of Helsinki has selected you for an exchange.

NB! If you make independent exchange arrangements outside exchange programmes, you can apply for a free mover grant according to the relevant instructions.

Follow these instructions to receive a mobility grant from the University of Helsinki:

  • Log in to Mobility Online with your University username and complete your personal and banking information under Complete Personal Data.
  • Erasmus exchange: If necessary, edit the dates of your exchange (if they have been specified since you created your application) under Change stay from/stay until on your Mobility Online account.
  • Next, carefully read the terms of the grant (Read student exchange terms and conditions). You can either print out or save the terms on your computer.
  • Accept the grant terms electronically by clicking on Accept student exchange terms and conditions.

You must accept the terms in good time, preferably when accepting the place offered to you so that the mobility grant can be paid to you in time. The date of payment for the mobility grant is the last banking day of the month preceding the exchange.

Technical questions about Mobility Online: or +358 2941 22953.

Where can you see that the grant has been paid?

  • You can see the date of payment on your Mobility Online account at least two weeks before the payment of the grant if you accepted the terms of the grant and the exchange electronically in good time. 
  • If the text Payment Date is not displayed two weeks before the last day of the month preceding the exchange even though you have accepted the terms electronically in good time, contact International Exchange Services.
  • NB! During vacation periods (summer, December and the turn of the year), the processing of grants may take longer. Be sure to accept the terms in good time.

Terms of the mobility grant

I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the student exchange scholarship stated below. Paragraphs 2-3 and 5-6 concern also students who do not receive a mobility scholarship from International Exchange Services (I.E.S). The scholarship shall not be paid should the student not accept the terms and conditions of the scholarship on his or her Mobility Online application account. Student exchange scholarships are granted by I.E.S on annually verified grounds. The general terms and conditions concerning scholarships are published in "Instructions for Students" subsection "Funding for student exchange."  

  1. I will use the grant only for the travel, insurance, accommodation, living and studying expenses incurred as a result of the student exchange.
  2. I will study on a full-time basis during the exchange period and will aim to follow the learning agreement (study plan) I have drawn up in advance. I will complete at least five credits of academic studies per month at the target university. If my target university does not use ECTS credits, the equivalent required number has been specified in the target university’s credits on the Instructions for students site. As an exception to the minimum of 5 ECTS/month, some universities require the student to complete more than (the equivalent of) 5 ECTS/month. If going on exchange to such a university, I will complete the amount of credits required by the host university. I will incorporate the studies completed during the exchange into my degree at the University of Helsinki. A summer course scholarship requires that the course is completed with a passing grade even in the case of exchange periods of less than one month. Sport and hobby courses are not valid exchange studies even if the host university awards credit points for them. The suitability of traditional arts and crafts courses into the University of Helsinki degree is decided by the responsible teacher of each course at University of Helsinki. If the teacher approves the course to be recognised into the degree, it is also counted as part of the completed courses on exchange.
  3. I will immediately notify International Exchange Services about the extension, suspension, shortening or cancellation of my student exchange. I understand that the additional component of the grant is not awarded if I apply for it after my original exchange period.
  4. I agree to return the grant in full or part if my exchange period is shortened so that it affects the grant amount. I understand that I may also have to return my grant if I fail to complete sufficient amount of credits during my exchange.
  5. I will purchase the necessary insurance (sickness and travel insurance) because the University of Helsinki does not provide insurance coverage for outgoing students.
  6. I will submit the exchange documents (letter of confirmation* and transcript of studies) and complete the exchange feedback form for International Exchange Services on my Mobility Online account within two months of my return. If I participate in an Erasmus exchange, I will also submit a signed copy of my learning agreement to International Exchange Services and complete the EU Survey within two months of my return.

*Only Erasmus, Nordplus and Nordlys exchange students must submit the Letter of Confirmation.

Please note that it is not possible to receive both a salary and a mobility grant from University of Helsinki simultaneously. Employment at UH prior to your exchange may affect the payment date of your scholarship. Please contact International Exchange Services at, if you are employed by University of Helsinki in the two months prior to your exchange.

Effect of the duration of an exchange on the mobility grant

Changes to the duration of your exchange affect your grant amount and must always be reported to International Exchange Services. Immediately inform International Exchange Services about the cancellation, suspension, shortening or extension of your exchange and follow the instructions available on page Changes during the exchange.

Depending on the situation, we will either provide you with an additional grant and an extension to your exchange or send you instructions for repaying your grant (or a part of it). If your exchange period is shortened or suspended, you must usually repay at least part of the grant paid to you. If your exchange is suspended for particularly compelling reasons, you must provide a written explanation.

Note that the minimum duration of an Erasmus exchange is three months.* If the actual duration of the exchange is less than the minimum duration, the exchange is considered to be cancelled, and the whole grant amount must be recovered.
*With the exception of target universities where the official duration of the term is less than three months

In the case of students whose exchange period is extended, the condition for receiving an additional grant is that the exchange agreement includes months of exchange that have not yet been used. The receipt of the additional grant requires that the student delivers to International Exchange Services a certificate from the target university’s coordinator concerning the extension of the exchange and drafts a learning agreement for the extended period. The required documents must be delivered at least one month before the end of the original exchange period. Should the documents not be submitted in time, the additional grant cannot be paid. If information about an extended exchange is provided after the exchange, the grant amount is not affected.

Payment of student financial aid and a housing supplement during your stay abroad

Students usually fund their studies abroad with student financial aid, a housing supplement and a student loan. Read more about student financial aid for studies outside Finland on the Kela site.

Other grants and scholarships

Applying for grants and scholarships from outside the University requires your own initiative. Other grants do not affect the receipt of a mobility grant.

For tips on other providers of grants, see Scholarships and grants.