ALICE - Academic Language and Intercultural Exchange

Valitsemalla koulutusohjelman saat näkyviin yleisten ohjeiden lisäksi koulutusohjelman mahdolliset omat sisällöt. Avointa yliopistoa koskevissa ohjeissa koulutusohjelmaa ei tarvitse valita.

The basic idea of ALICE courses (2 ECTS) is to provide two language learners who speak different native languages the opportunity to learn about each other’s language and culture in an interactive way. Besides learning each other’s language, the two learners get an insight into each other’s cultures and customs and receive information about the practicalities of everyday life. At the beginning of the course, the partners will draw up an “action plan” and timetable, and can thus choose topics that are of interest to both.

The course will continue with informal meetings with the partner. Learners are to keep a personal learning diary, which will serve as a basis for a portfolio-type learning folder that the participants are expected to compile in the target language at the end of the course. In addition to the meetings with the learning partner, the course will include pair or group meetings with the supervising teacher on given dates.

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